
For freedom and solidarity online

Website overhaul and migration to Drupal 9

Canadian Council for Refugees


The Canadian Council for Refugees is a leading voice for the rights, protection, sponsorship, settlement, and well-being of refugees and migrants, in Canada and globally. CCR is driven by member organizations working with and for these communities from coast to coast to coast.

Committed to social justice and transformation by challenging racism, colonialism and intersecting oppressions, we undertake policy monitoring, advocacy, network building, and public education to empower members and communities to bring about systemic change.

The organisation's needs:

  • Update the content management system from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9.
  • Integrate an external CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool for membership management and outreach.
  • Simplify website maintenance.
  • Refresh visual identity.

Our proposal:

  • Detailed analysis of the structure and data of the Drupal 7 site and optimize content organisation (merge similar content, export content to be archived, etc.).
  • Migrate data from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 using the Drupal migration toolset as well as custom scripts.
  • Integrate the 'Wild Apricot' external CRM tool by installing and configuring a premium Drupal module.

  • Analyse détaillée de la structure et des données du site Drupal 7 et optimisation de l'organisation de son contenu (fusion de contenus apparentés, exportation de contenus à archiver, etc.).

  • Migration des données de Drupal 7 vers Drupal 9 à partir de la gamme de modules de migration de Drupal et de scripts sur mesure.
  • Intégration du CRM externe Wild Apricot en installant et en configurant un module premium.
  • Create a custom Drupal theme to integrate the Council's new visual identity.

Call us

☏ +1 514 907 9494
Lun: 10h à 12h et 13h à 16h
Mar: 10h à 12h
Mer: 10h à 12h et 13h à 16h
Jeu: 10h à 12h
Mon: 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm
Tue: 10am to 12pm
Wed: 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm
Thu: 10am to 12pm

Come and See Us!

Adresse postale
Réseau Koumbit
CP 83561
Montréal CP Garnier, (QC) H2J 4E9

Nos bureaux sont situés au
1883, rue Atateken,
Montréal (Québec) H2L 3L7, Canada
Veuillez noter que nos bureaux n'ont pas de stationnement attitré.
Mailing address
CP 83561
Montréal CP Garnier, (QC) H2J 4E9

Our office is located at
1883 Atateken Street,
Montreal, Quebec, H2L 3L7, Canada
Please note that you'll need to find on-street parking.

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