
For freedom and solidarity online

End of support for php 7.0 - July 15th, 2024


As you may know, PHP 7.0 reached its end of life a few years ago (January, 2018). The last security updates have been applied in January, 2019.

We understand that switching to a newer version of PHP can require some work, which was the reason we let you use it until now.

However, we have to move forward and stop maintaining deprecated versions of PHP which don't receive any security updates.

Therefore, we have decided to end our support for PHP 7.0. on July 15th, 2024. Past that date, any website still using PHP 7.0 will be automatically switched to PHP 7.3.

If you received this email, it means at least one of your websites is currently using PHP 7.0. To keep your website functional, an action will be needed at your side to switch to a newer PHP version. Your website could otherwise stop functionning properly.

To provide you with some guidance about the needed steps, we've prepared a document focusing on the most commonly used CMS. It will help you check the compatibility between your website and a newer version of PHP, learn what steps would be required if an upgrade was needed, and how to switch to a newer PHP version.


If you're uncertain or have questions about any of the steps, please feel free to contact us at support@koumbit.org to get some guidance!

In case you'd like us to do it for you, our web or infrastructure team could analyze your website to evaluate the needed the work, and will provide you with a quote if it's in our field of expertise (subject to availability). Please keep in mind that the work calendar of the web team is quite full, so we recommend that you get in touch with us as early as possible!

Have a great day !

the infrastructure team Réseau Koumbit

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