
For freedom and solidarity online




Because of two statutory holidays that happen one week apart, Koumbit's staff will be greatly reduced at the office.

Because of this our office will be closed on friday june 23rd and friday june 30th. This also implies that technical support will get minimal attention during these two days.


Ce vendredi, un groupe d'utilisateurs Debian, développeurs et amateurs se sont rencontrés aux bureaux de Koumbit pour une journée de réglage de bugs (bug squashing party ou BSP). Nous étions environs une douzaine de personnes de niveaux différents.

Une présentation sur les bases de la création et gestion de packets d'application Debian a été donnée par Antoine Beaupré, ce qui a permis à plusieurs d'approfondir leurs connaissances.


Join us in Montreal, on April 14 2017, and we will find a way in which you can help Debian with your current set of skills! You might even learn one or two things in passing (but you don't have to).

Debian is a free operating system for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run. Debian comes with dozens of thousands of packages, precompiled software bundled up for easy installation on your machine. A number of other operating systems, such as Ubuntu and Tails, are based on Debian.


Passwords are used everywhere in our modern life. Between your email account and your bank card, a lot of critical security infrastructure relies on "something you know", a password. Yet there is little standard documentation on how to generate good passwords. There are some interesting possibilities for doing so; this article will look at what makes a good password and some tools that can be used to generate them.


Imagine you’re at a border crossing, and the guard asks you to hand over all of your electronics for screening. The guard then asks that you unlock your device, provide passwords and decryption keys. Right now, he’s asking nicely, but he happens to be carrying an unpleasant-looking rubber hose, Yes, cryptographers actually do call this “rubber hose cryptanalysis.” and appears to be willing to use it. Now imagine you’re a journalist covering war crimes in the country you’re trying to leave. So, what can you do?


Le journaliste Jean-Hugues Roy a écrit un article qui documente les commandes de base utiles dans un terminal. Applicable aux plateformes Linux et OSX (macOS) en plus de Windows 10 avec le shell Bash.

Unix (ou bash) pour journalistes


PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy. At it’s core, it is an internet standard (called OpenPGP) used for data encryption and digital signatures. Software that employs this standard is available in both a free, open source version produced by the Free Software Foundation called the GNU Privacy Guard (or GPG for short) as well as a low-cost commercial version.


People often say that online behavior would improve if every comment system forced people to use their real names. It sounds like it should be true – surely nobody would say mean things if they faced consequences for their actions?


You can now pay your Koumbit bills through your online banking service (eg: AccèsD, CIBC, etc.). For this you must select "Reseau Koumbit" in the list of suppliers in the category "Telecommunications and IT" and add it to your list. Thereafter, you will need your invoice number based on the requirements of your bank. If you have any questions or problems, we will be happy to help you.


Koumbit, suivant en cela ses propres règlements internes, ne travaille pas le 1er Mai, Journée internationale des travailleuses et travailleurs. Cette année, nous participerons à la grève sociale du 1er Mai en nous inscrivant dans ce large mouvement luttant contre l'austérité.

It is a regular policy at Koumbit that we do not work on May 1st, international workers' day. This year we declare our participation in the social strike on that day as part of the larger movement against austerity.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

We've all figured out by now that the future of the web is for the sites we build to be accessible on as wide a variety of platforms as possible. The magic of responsive design means that one single web page can be viewed on a large range of devices

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

The Drupal community is abuzz with talk of BackdropCMS, a recent fork of Drupal. In case you missed it, Lullabot has a great interview with "founding forkers" Jen Lampton and Nate 'quicksketch' Haug.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

[Updated 27 January 2014]

The sysadmins here were doing some software upgrades the other day and asked me which versions of Tomcat and Apache Solr they should install on our shared Drupal hosting servers. The answer is a little complex, so I finally just drew them a diagram.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

[Anglais uniquement] - The two most common powerful editors for Unix, emacs and vim, both include the ability to reference a list of PHP function names so that you can jump to their definition while editing. You'll have to build the file yourself first, though, using ctags.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

[French Only] - Voici en rafale quelques notions, modules et pratiques que j'aimerais partager suite à mon passage au DrupalCon Portland qui a eu lieu du 20 au 24 mai 2013. Cette année, ils ont mis un fort accent sur l'UX (expérience utilisateur) et le frontend. Beaucoup de keynotes étaient des experts en UX qui provenaient d'autres disciplines. Finalement, Drupal se met à la page!!


[French Only] Mes impressions à mon arrivée au DrupalCon Portland, qui a eu lieu du 20 au 24 mai 2013.


Got a little packet of Stone Cherry pole bean seeds with our name on it, and wondering why? We wanted to share one of our passions with you, and pique your curiousity in a different kind of social change!

The seeds are an organically raised heirloom variety of red beans that look like little cranberries.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

[Anglais uniquement] - I recently had a problem with both devel and devel themer: neither were printing any messages to the page. When I called dpm() my debugging messages didn't show up, and when I enabled the devel themer module the "Themer info" popup wasn't appearing on any page. This small but incredibly annoying problem drove me crazy, and I couldn't immediately find a solution mentioned in the issue queues or elsewhere online. But I eventually figured out it, and here's how to fix it!

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

[Anglais Uniquement] - Recently two clients wanted to have a left-column navigation menu which the user could hide or display using a link in the primary menu, one on a site with a theme based on Omega, and another using a theme based on AdaptiveTheme

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

Today I had to do a fairly common Drupal theming task, turning a menu block into a set of inline links.


Call us

☏ +1 514 907 9494
Lun: 10h à 12h et 13h à 16h
Mar: 10h à 12h
Mer: 10h à 12h et 13h à 16h
Jeu: 10h à 12h
Mon: 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm
Tue: 10am to 12pm
Wed: 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm
Thu: 10am to 12pm

Come and See Us!

1883, rue Atateken,
Montréal (Québec) H2L 3L7, Canada
Veuillez noter que nos bureaux n'ont pas de stationnement attitré.
1883 Atateken Street,
Montreal, Quebec, H2L 3L7, Canada
Please note that you'll need to find on-street parking.

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