As announced on Monday, June 9th, a major upgrade of the AlternC control panel and associated servers took place on Sunday, June 15th. The upgrade went well, and most services resumed operations soon after. There were however some bugs for which we apologize.
If you are still experiencing problems, please don't hesitate to write to The information below can also be helpful.
Here is a list of notable improvements and features:
1- Webmail is now accessible via an improved interface named Roundcube, which replaces SquirrelMail.
2- AlternC 3.2 has many improvements in its interface.
3- It is now possible to manage quotas of email addresses (more information to come).
4- Arbitrary subdomains (TXT, CNAME, IPv6) can now be managed through the interface.
5- "Catch-all" emails can now be configured to receive any emails sent to non-existant addresses ending in
6- An additional load balancing server improves the performance of websites.
7- Cron jobs can now be configured by AlternC users.
8- The new possibility of server side email filters makes it easier to manage vacation responders, via the Roundcube webmail interface, and also presents many other advantages.
The update also makes possible these upcoming features, some of which will be ready this summer:
- Greatly improved statistics.
- Accessible logs of current server activity.
- Improvements of email performance.
- SSH access (maybe!)
Here is a list of some issues that we are still working to resolve.
1- Modifications of domain and subdomain configurations are not possible for now. We expect to resolve this issue this week.
2- The old style "" domains are still working, now redirecting to . However your configurations should only use, port 993 (or, port 995) to access emails. If you wish to simply redirect people towards webmail, point them to
3- With the replacement of SquirrelMail by Roundcube, it is not yet possible to access the address books used by some SquirrelMail users. You can still access it via, but we'll stop supporting it From January 2015, and definitely closed shortly after. A lot of features of SquirrelMail are currently are either NOT working or semi-working, such as password change and viewing the list of emails.
4- Some users have experienced problems with .htaccess files. It seems that the upgrade has, for some users, allowed .htaccess files to block access to sites. It will be the task of the user to fix their .htaccess files.
5- Websites were offline and email was delayed for a maximum of 5 hours on Sunday the 15 of June. But be assured that no emails were lost during or after the upgrade.
6- The statistical reports are still available but the old statistics system no longer updates itself. A new system of web statistics will be available this week, and you will need to make configurations in order for it to record statistics for your websites.
Thanks for your patience.
The Koumbit sysadmins