
For freedom and solidarity online

Koumbit will be closed this Wednesday, May 1st for International Workers Day, commonly known as May Day

Dear Users, Allies and Colleagues,

Koumbit will be closed this Wednesday, May 1st for International Workers Day, commonly known as May Day. Our emergency on-call services will continue to be available. We will be open again at our usual hours on Thursday, May 2nd.

This particular day commemorates calls for a nationwide strike for an eight-hour work day on May 1, 1886, as well as the brutal repression of this labor rights organizing in what would come to be known as the Haymarket affair. On May 1, 1886, Chicago hosted a major demonstration in support of the eight-hour work day. This was the first of a few days of a diversity of actions which culminated in a meeting called by anarchists at Haymarket Square on May 4th, where a bomb went off in a crowd of policemen who had come to disperse the meeting. Following the bombing, the police shot hundreds of people, killing several and wounding over 200.

In 1889 an international federation of socialist and union groups designated May 1st as International Workers Day. Since then the international workers' movement has successfully established May Day as a national holiday in almost all countries on the planet except in North America and a few other countries. In 1894 the US, then-President Cleveland, hoping to divest any American Workers Day of its radical origins signed legislation to make Labor Day (celebrated in early September) the official workers holiday in the US. Canada followed the US's lead, making Labor Day a statutory holiday instead of May Day. Despite these attempts to deradicalize the anti-capitalist and labor movements in North America, May Day remains a day marked by protests, strikes, and other actions across Canada and the US.

May Day is a part of a long-standing and ongoing fight to oppose the economic and social devastation of imperialist states such as Canada and the USA. As a self-organized workers collective, we at Koumbit recognize May Day as a historically and contemporarily important day for the advancement of anti-capitalism and workers' rights. For this reason, our office is closed each May 1st.

If you are looking for a way to celebrate May Day in Montréal, here a list of events:


  • The IWW is calling for a neighborhood gathering with food and speeches at 2:00pm at Parc Metro, followed by a demo in the neighborhood. This will also be followed by a performance in front of Parc metro, organized by the International Workers Centre (IWC) around 4:30. You can find more information here: https://fr-ca.facebook.com/events/630732480700454/

  • The Anti-Capitalist Convergence is holding its annual Anti-Capitalist May 1st at 6:30 in square Cabot. This year, in the context of the rise of the far right and the construction of a new prison for migrants in Laval, the CLAC has called for a May Day against capitalism and borders. For more information: https://www.clac-montreal.net/fr/node/719

  • Union demonstration: Meeting at métro Parc (avenue du Parc and Jean-Talon), to leave as a demo at 6pm on May 1st. For more information: https://www.csd.qc.ca/1er-mai-2019-marche-quebec-quon-veut/

About Koumbit

Established in Montreal in 2004, Koumbit is a non-profit organization with a threefold mission: First, to create a space of mutual support and resource sharing for socially engaged IT workers. Secondly, to support the use of open source technology by community groups and the general public as well as the development of collective IT platforms. Thirdly, to create excellent working conditions for its workers: as an innovative economic model and self-managed collective, Koumbit is based on principles of self-governance and solidarity. Koumbit is run by and for its workers based on a non-hierarchical and anti-oppressive framework.

Koumbit offers web hosting and website development and redesign services on WordPress and Drupal platforms. In particular, we offer migration services from out-of-date platforms to current content management systems such as WordPress and Drupal. We also create Web applications based on Ember.js. Koumbit has expertise in system administration, in server management and hosting based on Linux and in particular Debian. Koumbit encrypts data stored on disk and advocates for a model that minimizes the retention of data in its services.

You can find more information about us here ( https://www.koumbit.org ), see the services we offer here ( https://www.koumbit.org/en/services/web-hosting ) and consult our portfolio here ( https://www.koumbit.org/en/portfolio ) or write to us at info@koumbit.org

In solidarity and wishing you a good May Day,

The workers of the Koumbit collective

Call us

☏ +1 514 907 9494
Lun: 10h à 12h et 13h à 16h
Mar: 10h à 12h
Mer: 10h à 12h et 13h à 16h
Jeu: 10h à 12h
Mon: 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm
Tue: 10am to 12pm
Wed: 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm
Thu: 10am to 12pm

Come and See Us!

Adresse postale
Réseau Koumbit
CP 83561
Montréal CP Garnier, (QC) H2J 4E9

Nos bureaux sont situés au
1883, rue Atateken,
Montréal (Québec) H2L 3L7, Canada
Veuillez noter que nos bureaux n'ont pas de stationnement attitré.
Mailing address
CP 83561
Montréal CP Garnier, (QC) H2J 4E9

Our office is located at
1883 Atateken Street,
Montreal, Quebec, H2L 3L7, Canada
Please note that you'll need to find on-street parking.

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