We will be changing which host key types the server redmine.koumbit.net (aka. git.koumbit.net) shows to users connecting via SSH. Starting Monday Feburary 18th 2019 only RSA and ED25519 host keys will be shown. If you had previously connected via SSH and accepted a DSA or ECDSA key, you will need to remove those fingerprints from your known hosts file and accept the RSA/ED25519 host key fingerprint.
Here is an example of how to remove the fingerprints via command-line:
ssh-keygen -f '/home/example/.ssh/known_hosts' -R redmine.koumbit.net ssh-keygen -f '/home/example/.ssh/known_hosts' -R redmine0.koumbit.net ssh-keygen -f '/home/example/.ssh/known_hosts' -R git.koumbit.net ssh-keygen -f '/home/example/.ssh/known_hosts' -R
Here are the current RSA and ED25519 fingerprints:
SHA256:4nv/LQXdlOaRw1SqX+0dSAq36/1Op+1r5x6IDsXlHY0 (ED25519) MD5:2b:7a:d1:09:7d:87:8c:02:bc:d8:aa:67:72:08:73:50 (ED2551) SHA256:sr2QpTzOUdmZowUnbeYTJArobjUsF7lRF2MlkAUef4w (RSA) MD5:c7:7b:11:36:5a:2c:dc:46:11:30:bc:ba:fb:55:00:c1 (RSA)