mentioned in Canadian Art!
A few weeks ago, a review of the 'Amplification' exhibition at Eastern Block appeared on the website of Canadian Art Magazine.
A few weeks ago, a review of the 'Amplification' exhibition at Eastern Block appeared on the website of Canadian Art Magazine.
HTMlles, the biennal media arts and digital culture festival put together by our colleagues at Studio XX begins in a few weeks, starting November 1st! The 2018 edition includes a variety of activities and events throughout Montreal, including the "Code : Corps" digital art exhibition at articule, an artist-run centre, and the "Encrypt your nudes!" workshop at La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse.
If you use WordPress and have recently updated to version 4.9.8, you most likely noticed an announcement on the main page of the Dashboard in regard to the upcoming launch of Gutenberg, the new content editor that will manage the appearance of posts and pages. With its block-based system, Gutenberg aims to make the creation of complex layouts simple and intuitive. You can take a look at this new system on the official WordPress website. (
Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor, is coming out very soon! To help prepare WordPress users for this significant change, Koumbit is offering a (free!) hands-on workshop where participants can familiarize themselves with this system. Bring your laptop to Koumbit's offices at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, September 19, and a member of the collective will walk you through the process to install the editor and experiment with its features.
Stop by Koumbit's office between 5 and 7pm for hands on help with free software on your computer. No guarantees that we'll be able to find a solution to whatever problem or challenge you face, but we look forward to trying to help. We're especially familiar with web applications like WordPress, Drupal, and Nextcloud, as well as the Debian operating system and software running on it.
Koumbit is a not-for-profit organisation founded in Montreal in 2004. Membership in Koumbit is open to individuals and organisations that share Koumbit's values.
Koumbit will be at WordCamp Montreal 2018 this August!
Emannuel, a member of our web team, will be giving a presentation about migrating from Drupal 6 to WordPress, "De migration à translation: importer un Drupal 6 dans WordPress via bash, php, drush et wp-cli".
The full WordCamp schedule is now available.
We have recently put in place a survey to facilitate and uniformize the application process to our Solidarity Rates program.
Avec le laboratoire NT2, nous avons fait la présentation suivante au DrupalCamp Montréal 2018
Drupal 7 et Ember.js: l'exemple d', une SPA ("Single Page App") multiplateforme est un site multiplateforme faisant la promotion et diffusant de la littérature québécoise. Opuscules est la seconde itération d'une application qui auparavant était une application native IOS et Android alimentée en dorsale ("backend") par Services sur Drupal 7. Le mandat rempli par Réseau Koumbit et le laboratoire NT2 de l'UQAM a été de convertir cette application dans une SPA adaptée aux pc, tablette et téléphone. Tandis que NT2 s'occupait d'affiner les services existants alimentant, Réseau Koumbit s'est chargé du volet Ember.js, programmation et intégration.
There has been a lot of critical discussion of Facebook recently, especially because of large amounts of user information that were obtained by right-wing electoral consultation firm Cambridge Analytica.
Pour une demande de devis, voir le formulaire à la page contact.
For a free estimate, see the form on our contact page.